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Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno

Ajouté le 14/03/2025
341 km
1 avis
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Fun ride through some amazing Swiss alpine passes.
Plan it for the first few days after the spring reopening of Gottardpass, and enjoy the enormous snowbanks on the side of the road.

Un giro divertente tra alcuni dei più bei passi svizzeri.
Se fatto appena dopo la riapertura del Gottardo, si passa in mezzo a impressionanti muri di neve.

Food: on Gottardpass enjoy some street food

Comment ça marche ?
  1. Enregistre ce Roadbook pour le guidage
  2. Retrouve-le dans le GPS de l’app
  3. Laisse-toi guider, c’est gratuit.
Google PlayApp Store

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Photos du trajet à moto

Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno 1Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno 2Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno 3Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno 4Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno 5Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno 6Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno 7Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno 8Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno 9Gottardpass - Oberalp- Lucomagno 10

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Liberty Rider • Tous droits réservés • 2025